They featured Grace's Rock Star/HSM/Hannah Montana 6th Birthday Party as well as Ethan's Cowboy/Western 2nd Birthday. I have to say I'm truly humbled!

My job (that pays the bills) is an attorney. When I was in law school, the big "prestige" thing to do was to get an article published in your law school's law review. I frankly wanted no part of that. Now that I'm an actual attorney (although some days I think I'm just playing one on T.V.) you've truly "made it" when you've argued a case before the Supreme Court or have been published in a law journal. While I've won a share of my own cases, I've never "made it" as my cohorts define "making it."
So, despite the lack of my "professional" accomplishments, my making it is being featured on this fabulous website! I may never argue a case before the Supreme Court, but I'm satisfied to know my parties were featured on a notable party blog! I truly am so honored (and shocked!)
I hope to have these two parties posted here sometime in the near future.
Ethan's Cars party was featured today! Yay! What an honor. Check it out: